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Mapping of the policy context and Catadores organizations in Maputo, Mozambique

ALLEN, Charlotte. JOSSIAS, Elisio. DIAS, Sonia. Mapping of the policy context and Catadores organizations in Maputo, Mozambique. WIEGO, 2011

Abstract by WIEGO :

"This report seeks to understand the situation of catadores in Maputo, Mozambique, whether and how they are organized and what possibilities exist for future organizing of catadores. It provides background information on the political and socio-economic context, relevant legislation and policy, and current approaches to waste management and recycling in Maputo. It also provides an overview of catadores organizations and organizations who provide support to catadores in Maputo, Mozambique. It concludes with some tentative proposals regarding how organizing of catadores can be supported in the future."

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SUD (23 janvier 2012). Mapping of the policy context and Catadores organizations in Maputo, Mozambique. SUD. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse

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