Recycling and waste management in Brazil: overview report
Kim Beecheno, Recycling and waste management in Brazil: overview report, University of Essex, 2013
This report provides a comprehensive overview of the issues around waste management and recycling in Brazil. It was commissioned as part of the European Research Council project ‘Consumption Work and Societal Divisions of Labour’, whose key aim is to demonstrate the role that consumers play in the labour process, using comparative methods. In the case of recycling, consumers have until recently had little role in the division of labour within waste management in Brazil and their role differs substantially to the role of consumers in Sweden and England, the other countries in which recycling consumption work has been explored.
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Elsa Coslado (9 avril 2014). Recycling and waste management in Brazil: overview report. SUD. Consulté le 19 février 2025 à l’adresse